Que aRe Codes

Turn your web links into QR codes instantly!
No web link in mind? Make one with the sticky note link generator.

Sticky Notes

Unleash your creativity. Create engaging sticky notes to leave virtual messages that can be shared and viewed anywhere. Whether it's personal reminders or quick notes, your virtual expressions are just a click away. Dive into our world and let your imagination soar!

Graffiti Tagging

Enhance your experience further with our graffiti image tagging system. Transform your printed QR codes into vibrant gateways that connect the physical and digital worlds. Add your own personalized "tags" to breathe life into static codes and make each one truly your own.

Graffiti Tag our walls now!


Welcome to eSoup, where creating a QR code is a breeze! Have a link you want to share? Simply provide it and your email, our innovative QR code builder will do the rest. Whether it's for business promotion or personal fun, our QR codes open doors to endless digital possibilities. Start now, and let eSoup Dot Net turn your ideas into exciting, shareable realities!

Some ideas for where to put a personal QR code.

Links you can get yourself


We would love to hear from you. Please join our Discord server and let us know what you think.

Daily horoscope

Make a QR code so you can scan it every day to get your horoscope. Use this link to select your sign and generate the QR code you can print and put on your fridge or by the coffee maker.
Get your horoscope now!

Print Option

Your home printer is great for printing the QR codes. Sometimes you don't have the right paper or labels. We've found that Zazzle prints one off stickers. We've built a linkt to a small sticker. Replace the image with the one you've generated (test it in the web page preview that it is your QR) then get it printed!


Make a QR code right now


Two steps: The link (URL) and your email. You will get an email with a link to your new QR Code. LET'S DO THIS!